Body by Vi™ Shape Kit
March 09th, 2013
about ViSalus™, Body by Vi™ Challenge, Product News
The Body by Vi™ Shape Kit helps you slim down and shape up. This kit contains 60 servings of our Vi-Shape™ Nutritional Shake Mix so that you can have 2 nutritionally packed meals per day for accelerated weight loss results. The kit includes an assortment of our Health Flavor Mix-ins to add flavor variety and added health benefits to your shakes. The Shape Kit is one of our most popular Body by Vi™ Challenge Kits for those with weight loss goals.
It’s easy! Simply replace 2 meals a day with a healthy, hunger-controlling ViSalus Shake blended with unsweetened almond milk, soy milk or skim milk. There are hundreds of tasty ViSalus Shake recipes, so don’t worry about having the same flavor for each meal. We recommend one shake for breakfast because it is very important to boost your metabolism in the morning so your body begins to properly burn calories. The second shake can be used for lunch or dinner. The Body by Vi program is flexible to fit your busy schedule. Your third meal should be a healthy low-fat, protein-rich meal with lean meats, fruits and vegetables and yes…even some whole grain bread! Always remember to drink plenty of water and stay away from sugar-packed soft drinks.
We offer the full line of Body by Vi™ Challenge Kits and other Official ViSalus™ Shakes & Products at our secure online store. ViSalus is so confident you will get results, we offer a 90-Day Money-Back Results Guarantee! So, you have nothing to lose…but weight!!
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