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June 03rd, 2017
about ViSalus™, Body by Vi™ Challenge, Vi-Shape Shakes

Britney Spears Loves ViSalus Shakes
In the new January/February 2015 edition of Women’s Health Magazine, pop star Britney Spears shares her two-week workout journal where she openly gives ViSalus Vi-Shape® Shakes a shout-out when discussing her pre-workout routine....
December 30th, 2014
about ViSalus™, Body by Vi™ Challenge, News, Vi-Shape Shakes

Benefits of Fish Oil Supplements
The benefits of adding additional Omega-3’s to your diet are well known. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil have well documented benefits to the heart and vascular systems. Increasing attention is now being paid to Omega-3 effects on the brain. Omegas play a key role in the body and are one of the major building blocks of membranes that protect every cell.
December 03rd, 2014
News, Product News, Uncategorized

3 Breakfast Foods For Weight Loss
Research continues to show that breakfast is the most important meal of the day for weight loss. Eat breakfast every morning to jump start your metabolism and begin your day on the right track. When you enjoy a healthy and complete morning meal, you are less likely to have an energy crash later on and be tempted to cheat on your diet.
July 18th, 2014
Ashley O
Vi-Shape Shakes

Protein Shakes Make You Feel Fuller– And Taste Great!
Resisting cravings for unhealthy food is often the biggest hurdle people face when trying to lose weight. The solution: eat more protein to feel full and satisfied.
July 17th, 2014
Ashley O
Vi-Shape Shakes

Buy ViSalus Body by Vi on Amazon or eBay? Buyer Beware!!
Every month, the Team receives inquiries asking “Can you buy ViSalus on Amazon?” or “How do you buy Body by Vi on eBay?”. Our response is simple… BUYER BEWARE!! Many vendors selling on these sites are not Authorized ViSalus™ distributors, but rather entities who have bought excess product from individuals that is now either expired or about to expire and sell it online for less than wholesale prices.
March 08th, 2014

What is Body By Vi
One of the most commonly asked questions is “ What is Body by Vi “? ViSalus Sciences® created Body by Vi™ to help folks utilize our life transforming products and benefit from our online and offline support tools. ViSalus’ exclusive challenge offers a simple, nutritional program with fun and easy recipes, menu plans, exercise videos, and online community support. Body by Vi™ is designed to fit your lifestyle. Body by Vi™ is a 90–Day challenge that transforms people’s lives. The products are bundled for ultimate results, nutrition, and value. You can save money, and even get your kit for FREE when you have others join the challenge. And $100 off normal retail prices makes the deal even sweeter! There are five kits in the Body by Vi™ program and you can choose the kit that is aimed at helping you achieve your health, weight loss & fitness goals.
February 06th, 2014

NEW Body by Vi™ Fuel Kit – The Best of Both!
The Body by Vi™ Fuel Kit - A Natural for ViSalus Shake & Cereal Lovers
Fuel your weight-loss and fitness Challenge goals with the Body by Vi™ Fuel Kit, the NEW ViSalus Kit that provides a shake a day and a bowl of Vi Crunch™ a day. Love the ViSalus™ Shake, but love Vi Crunch™, too? Now you can have both in a convenient Challenge Kit! The Fuel Kit supports both healthy weight-loss and fitness goals. Enjoy a Vi-Shape® Shake a day and a bowl of Vi Crunch Cereal a day for comprehensive, yet tasty and simple nutrition.November 18th, 2013
about ViSalus™, Body by Vi™ Challenge, Product News, Uncategorized

Where Can You Buy Body by Vi™ Vi-Shape Shakes?
Where Can You Buy ViSalus Body by Vi™ Shakes? Many people call or email us asking, "Can I buy Body by Vi shakes in stores? Where can you order ViSalus Products or Vi-Shape? I want to purchase it now!" ViSalus Body by Vi™ products are purchased from independent distributors of ViSalus Sciences® . At ViSalus Products Online, we know you are excited to get started on the Challenge and want your shakes and products quickly.
October 07th, 2013
about ViSalus™, Product News, Welcome

ViSalus Body by Vi Nashville principals Michael Tabers and Michael Rook, both Body by Vi™ Independent Distributors, live in Nashville, Tennessee, and offer the full line of Official ViSalus Body by Vi™ Products locally to Nashville and Middle Tennessee residents. is the leading online promoter of the Body by Vi™ Challenge and distributor of Official ViSalus™ Shakes & Products with thousands of valued customers throughout the United States, Canada and now the United Kingdom
August 10th, 2013
about ViSalus™, Distributor News, Visalus Europe, Visalus Uk

Vi CRUNCH™ Protein Super Cereal! New ViSalus™ Products 2013
Vi Crunch Super Protein Cereal combines our proprietary Fi-Sorb™ protein blend, an excellent source of fiber with prebiotics, and grape seed and rosemary antioxidants in a low fat, low sodium and no cholesterol formula that is healthy for you! Vi Crunch contains no artificial sweeteners, colors or preservatives, and is friendly for vegetarians as well as those watching their sugar intake.
July 20th, 2013
about ViSalus™, Body by Vi™ Challenge, Product News

What is the Body by Vi™ Diet?
Actually, the Body by Vi™ Challenge is not a “diet” in the sense of the many fads that are out there, such as Adkins Diet, South Beach Diet, Mediterranean diet, Overnight Diet and the list goes on and on. Body by Vi is a complete plan of weight loss and weight maintenance that is grounded in solid nutrition and scientifically targeted to help the body safely lose weight and then sustain the weight loss once achieved.
June 29th, 2013
about ViSalus™, Body by Vi™ Challenge, Product News

Vi-Shape® Shake Mix – Fuel Your Challenge
The centerpiece of all Body by Vi™ Challenge Kits is our Vi-Shape® Nutritional Shake Mix. Vi-Shape is "the shake mix that tastes like a cake mix". The nutritional dynamo of every Body by Vi™ Challenge Kit, Vi-Shape offers a filling and nutritionally sound meal designed to help you lose weight, keep blood sugars level and support lean muscle and healthy energy......
June 08th, 2013
Body by Vi UK, Body by Vi™ Challenge, London Body by Vi, Product News, ViShape England

Body By Vi Now Available in UK, Easy Sign Up for UK Customers & Promoters has superbly served North American customers with a secure online source for joining the popular Body by Vi Challenge and ordering Official ViSalus weight loss products, including Challenge Kits and ViShape Shakes, for the past two years. With the recent announcement of Vi (UK) opening for business in the Europe, the online leader will now be offering the same excellent customer service and resources to their new European customers and promoters.
May 16th, 2013
Body by Vi UK, Body by Vi™ Challenge, Distributor News, London Body by Vi, Product News, Site News, Visalus Europe, Visalus Uk, ViShape England

ViSalus™ Compensation Plan – Best in the Industry for Promoters
There is only one thing that may help you share The Visalus™ Challenge with others even faster than your own results, and that's Promoter INCENTIVES & COMPENSATION!
April 25th, 2013
about ViSalus™, Body by Vi UK, Body by Vi™ Challenge, Distributor News, London Body by Vi, Product News, Site News, Uncategorized, Visalus Europe, Visalus Uk, ViShape England

Body by Vi™ Europe – Get Ready UK for Body by Vi™! Official Promoter
Body by Vi has arrived in the Europe! The Body by Vi Challenge is now available in the United Kingdom, Germany and Austria. We offer the full line of official products and the team is looking for business promoters to help us meet the high demand....
March 20th, 2013
about ViSalus™, Body by Vi UK, Distributor News, London Body by Vi, Product News, Site News, Visalus Europe, Visalus Uk, ViShape England

Body by Vi™ Shape Kit
The Body by Vi™ Shape Kit helps you slim down and shape up. The Shape Kit is one of our most popular Body by Vi™ Challenge Kits for those with weight loss goals.
March 09th, 2013
about ViSalus™, Body by Vi™ Challenge, Product News

How Does Body by Vi™ Work?
Many of our customers write or call asking us "Does Body by Vi really work? How will ViSalus help me lose weight?” ViSalus Sciences® worked hard to create a weight loss program that is compatible with real life. That’s the key... Body by Vi™ works because it’s simple, affordable and easy to incorporate into your busy everyday......
February 23rd, 2013
about ViSalus™, Body by Vi™ Challenge, Product News

Body by Vi™ Transformation Kit Gets Results
There is a reason our ViSalus Body by Vi Transformation Kit is the #1 Challenge Kit used by Body by Vi Champions. It is the most comprehensive Kit to help achieve maximum weight loss results.
February 09th, 2013
about ViSalus™, Body by Vi™ Challenge, Product News

The New Body by Vi™ Challenge 2013
The NEW Body by Vi™ Challenge now has a 90-Day Money Back Results Guarantee! Challengers can join and lose 10 pounds and win $1000 with Project 10 and NEW Body by Vi™ Challenge incentives.....
February 02nd, 2013
about ViSalus™, Body by Vi™ Challenge

Tasty Recipes & Healthy Ingredients for ViSalus Body by Vi™ Vi-Shape Shakes
ViSalus Body by Vi™ Vi-Shape Shakes Recipes We have been receiving many requests for new ViSalus™ Vi-Shape Shake recipes. As our valued customers already know, we send our amazing ViSalus™ Vi Shape Recipe Book to all new Challengers so they have the tasty shake recipes when their order arrives. We offer creative recipes with healthy ingredients that are easy to make. Here are a couple new Shake Recipes that were recently shared with us…and, just in time for the holidays!! Lose weight with these delicious shake recipes.
December 19th, 2012
Vi-Shape Shakes

ViSalus™ Shakes – Body by Vi™
A Body by Vi™ Shake for breakfast can help you maintain healthy blood sugar levels, curb appetite and get protein rich nutrition in a shake that can’t be beat. No other shake compares in quality of proteins, blend of proteins, comprehensive nutrition, key nutrients (including fiber, prebiotics and more) and taste!
November 02nd, 2012
about ViSalus™, Product News

Visalus Distributor Sell Visalus
It’s Easy & Rewarding to become a ViSalus™ Distributor and Sell Visalus. With over 150,000 new customers joining the Body by Vi™ Challenge every month, there has never been a better time to become a ViSalus Body by Vi™ Promoter.
October 03rd, 2012
about ViSalus™, Distributor News