Vi Shape ShakesBody by Vi™ Vi Shape Weight Loss Shakes

Staggering Health Issues related to being Overweight
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, two-thirds of Americans currently qualify as overweight or obese. Similar statistics follow in the United Kingdom where obesity rates are the third highest worldwide. Considering our sedentary lifestyle and fondness for fast food, it is no wonder that many of us are buying bigger jeans. But is it really so bad to carry around extra pounds? The answer is Yes! Research has shown that obesity increases heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, stroke, certain cancers, kidney disease, liver and gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, asthma, bladder control, reproductive complications and a host of other health complications.
Healthy Shake Weight Loss Solutions that Work - Vi-Shape
Most of us are looking for a simple, sensible solution that fits within the reality of our busy lives. Vi Shape offers a fast, nutritious, easy way to succeed. Many of us have tried fad diets that left us hungry, jittery or spending hundreds of dollars on special foods usually loaded with sodium. Or, we bought exercise videos that didn’t tell us anything about nutrition and are not targeted to our special needs. And yet, some of us have gone to doctors that prescribed diet pills which left us edgy, irritable and unable to sleep. These are the reasons so many weight loss plans fail. ViSalus Sciences® is challenging the world to look at health differently… We challenge you to make your health a TOP PRIORITY for the next 90 days using our Body by Vi™ Challenge.
Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge focuses on Healthy Weight Loss
The Body by Vi™ 90-Day Challenge is not another fad diet. The program is based on nutrition that helps you burn fat, keep lean muscle, boost your metabolism and control hunger. ViSalus™ weight loss products work because they are nutritionally sound and formulated to use long term to sustain and improve health and fitness.

Vi-Shape Shakes - The Core of Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge
The core of the Body by Vi™ Challenge is our amazing Vi-Shape® Nutritional Shake Mix –the shake mix that tastes like a cake mix! Created using science and protein-rich nutrition, the sweet-cream flavored Vi-Shape® Shake helps curb hunger and keep blood sugars level. Vi-Shape® is gluten & lactose-free, low in carbs & sugars, low in sodium, fiber-rich and contains 23 vitamins & minerals. It is also diabetic-friendly and Kosher certified. Cutting calories while getting proper nutrition can be hard, expensive and time-consuming. ViSalus Sciences® offers the utmost in flavor, fun, and convenient nutrition with our Shape Up™ Health Flavor Mix Ins!
Vi-Shape Shakes - Flavors, Mix Ins, & Free Recipes
Getting unique flavors and having variety has never been so healthy or so tasty! Our Health Flavor Mix Ins allows you to switch up your Vi-Shape® Shake and have an affordable abundance of flavors … Strawberry Phtyo-Power, Banana Energy Charge, Chocolate Cardia Care, Peach Complexion Care & Orange Everyday Defense! No more buying 3 or 4 canisters of flavored shake mixes! The recipes are endless.
Exclusive Offer: Receive Free Visalus Shakes Recipe Book when you buy Vi-Shape from our web store
Add Vi Shape Mix Ins
Just add a Shape Up™ Health Flavor Mix Ins to your Vi-Shape® Shake for fun and healthy flavor on-the-go. Vi-Shape® offers you a fast ‘ideal meal’ that saves money while providing amazing nutrition.