Tasty Recipes & Healthy Ingredients for ViSalus Body by Vi™ Vi-Shape Shakes
December 19th, 2012
Vi-Shape Shakes
ViSalus Body by Vi™ Vi-Shape Shakes Recipes
We have been receiving many requests for new ViSalus™ Vi-Shape Shake recipes. As our valued customers already know, we send our amazing ViSalus™ Vi Shape Recipe Book free of charge to all new Challengers so they have the tasty shake recipes when their order arrives.
Purchase Vi-Shape in our Web Store and receive the recipe book free.
We offer creative recipes with healthy ingredients that are easy to make. Here are a couple new Shake Recipes that were recently shared with us…and, just in time for the holidays!! Lose weight with these delicious shake recipes. We regularly post new shake recipes on our Facebook page, so Like us on Facebook!
Body by Vi ™ Chocolate Chip Vi-Shape™ Shakes Recipe
Check out this Vi-Shape ‘Mint Chocolate Chip’ recipe!
A delectable treat for mint and chocolate lovers!
Body by Vi Shake Recipe and Ingredients:
1 cup skim milk, soy, almond or rice milk
2 heaping scoops of Vi-Shape Shake Mix
1/2 cup of crushed ice
…6 dark chocolate chips
2 drops of mint flavoring …. Blend and enjoy!
ViSalus™ Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Vi-Shape™ Shake
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Vi Shape Recipe anyone? Yummy!!!
Shake Recipe and Ingredients:
1/2 Chocolate Chip Nutra Cookie
8 oz. Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 packet Vi-Trim
1 Scoop Vi-Shape Shake Mix
3 ice cubes blend and enjoy!!
Recipe courtesy of @Tar’Lese Rideaux on Facebook:
Order ViSalus™ and Vi-Shape™ Shakes
A Winter Time Favorite! ViSalus Vi-Shape Hot Chocolate Shake recipe!
Warms you right up!
Body by Vi Shake Recipe and Ingredients:
2 scoops of Vi-Shape Nutritional shake mix
10 oz. of Unsweetened Almond, Soy or Skim Milk (heated)
2 packs of Chocolate Shape Up Health Flavor Mix-ins
5 or 6 non-fat mini marshmallows (if desired)
~Heat milk, then add Vi-Shape shake mix and Chocolate Health Flavor Mix-ins, blend and garnish with marshmallows…Enjoy!!
ViSalus Shake recipe courtesy of ViSalusProductsOnline.com customer Virgina Bills
We will send you a free Vi-Shape™ recipe book when you buy from us. Visit the Vi Online Store today!
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